How do I get started?
You can be an Ophthalmic Medical Technician in as quickly as 6 months. You need a high school diploma, GED or equivalent, to enter the profession. You can attend an accredited academic educational program to learn the skills necessary or you can train on-the-job.
Where can I find a training program near me?
The International Council of Accreditation (ICA) has a complete list of all accredited ophthalmic training programs on their website.
Are there any available jobs in my area?
There are many great resources to search for available jobs in your area. Visit the International Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology’s (IJCAHPO) Career Center to begin your search.
What is the pay rate for this career?
You can make $36,000-$42,000 as an entry-level Ophthalmic Medical Technician and can earn $75,000+ as you advance in your career. The possibilities for growth are endless!
Where can I learn more about IJCAHPO certification?
If you search for on-the-job training, many clinics hire personnel before they are certified and support their pathway to certification. Learn more about certification by reading IJCAHPO’s Core Criteria Handbook for Certification and Recertification.
Who can I talk with to find out more information?
Contact us at [email protected]